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Jazz: It's Not Just for Upright Bass Musicians
A wide range of instruments can be used to play jazz, including violin, viola, and cello. They've all lent an important hand in the evolution of jazz. -
Learning, Inspiration, Performance & Technique
10 Cello Compositions for Adult Beginners to Wow Your Friends
Starting to play the cello as an adult? Here are 10 cello compositions that will allow you to feel like a “real” cellist – even if you make mistakes now and then. -
Artist Profiles, Inspiration, Performance & Technique
Compositions to Wow Your Audience for a Year-End Concert
Check out these compositions that will wow your audience and leave a lasting impression at your Year-End Concert! -
Learning, Inspiration
Summer Workshops for Educators 2019 – Apply Now!
Most people imagine summer camp as a “kid thing,” but music educators know summer break is a time for adult music camp, too – in the form of workshops, continuing education credits (CECs) or even working on those last graduate degree units. Check out our list of the best this summer has to offer. -
The Classical Period of Music
Discover Classical Era music's main characteristics, how it differs from what came before, and how its name has come to be used as the broader term for Western instrumental music. -
10 Upcoming Cello Concerts this Summer You Won't Want to Miss
We've put together a list of upcoming cello performances scheduled starting in May through the summer, that you won't want to miss! -
Performance & Technique
The Violinist’s Guide to Creating Your Onstage Persona: How to Brand Yourself
In today’s digital and media-centric era, you need to create a personalized brand to become a successful solo musician. If you’re new to the world of business, developing a brand may be a foreign concept. Learn from our checklist to get you started. -
Learning, Misc
Adult Beginners’ Finger Exercises for Violin and Viola
Strong, nimble fingers are foundational to your ability to play a string instrument. As an adult you may have stiff joints that you are concerned about. See our exercises to get your fingers in top shape.