And as these findings filter into public awareness, a new survey has discovered that both parents and teachers favor supporting music education curriculum over items such as sports and advanced placement classes. The study, entitled “Striking a Chord: The Public’s Hopes and Beliefs for K12 Music Education in the United States 2015,” was funded by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) and conducted by an independent third party, Grunwald Associates, LLC, a leading authority on children, families, education and technology. It examined the responses of over 1000 teachers and 800 parents throughout the U.S. concerning the importance of music education.
Taking place during January and February, the results of the study were presented in May of this year, and it confirmed that despite constant pressure to cut funding for music education, both parents and teachers believe it to be “extremely important” to the “essential part of learning.”
Indeed, while many of the responses are not surprising given the increasing amount of scientific data concerning the effect of music education, there were a few results that were unexpected and shed light on changing attitudes.
A few highlights of the survey include:
But in addition to these findings, the real evidence is shown when you understand that the participants favored other curriculum cuts rather than having their music departments reduced.
Understanding the Results
Both Parents and teachers recognize that a music education does more than simply teach a rewarding skill. Music training develops other abilities that effect every aspect of life. Children who participate in music studies build critical thinking and problem solving skills, work better within groups (teamwork), and become better listeners. Moreover, they display enhanced academic performance, showing higher marks on standardized tests and report cards.
And because of these facts, the parents and teachers surveyed showed remarkable tenacity concerning not only the protection of their current music curriculum at the expense of other activities, but enthusiastically favored an expansion of musical training opportunities.
When asked which programs they would willingly see cut before a reduction in the music training offered to students was ordained, the results were eye-opening. On a scale of 1 to 15, administration at the state, district, and school level topped the lists of cuts, but AP courses and athletic activities were also preferable to cutting the funding for music education. Indeed, of the 15 areas listed on the survey, all respondents chose over 12 items that they would rather have cut before music.
What It Means
Given the results of this survey, including the regional differences—for instance, results were less dramatic in western portions of the country—the NAMM has developed a set of steps that parents and teachers can follow to ensure that their music programs either flourish or expand. Because essentially, without the support of policy makers and other decision-makers, the troubling trend of music cuts could continue.
A few if the recommendations include:
The results are in and the support has been measured. Overwhelmingly, parents and teachers support music education even when compared to other activities, and therefore, building stronger music programs has become an important issue.