There are many fantastic music schools located all throughout the United States, and regardless of the specific program you want to pursue or the degree level you'd like to attain, there is a school that will meet your particular needs. Plus, it’s simply a good idea to apply with numerous institutions; more options often provide a better end result.
This list of the best music schools in the Southeast offers practical choices for students who live in these areas, or who are looking to diversify and expand their higher education options.
Shenandoah University, Winchester, VA. This liberal arts college offers 13 music programs, providing both undergraduate and graduate studies for students who are interested in obtaining bachelors, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Privately operating since 1875 with approximately 4000 enrolled students, this university is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and is located in quite a beautiful setting. Tuition costs around $30,000 per year.
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. This public university is very large, and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in four music programs. Originally founded as a branch of the University of Virginia, tuition is approximately $28,000 for this highly ranked university. Programs include general music performance and fine and studio arts management.
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Ranking in the top 20 best music schools in the United States and number one in Maryland for its campus and quality of instruction, this not-for-profit school is pricey, running approximately $47,000 for yearly tuition, but comprehensive. With five music programs covering general music performance, music teacher education, and theory and composition, enrolled students can pursue bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees at this well-known institution.
University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC. This state funded school achieves high rankings as the best music school in North Carolina for its campus safety and reasonable cost. Tuition expenses are approximately $20,000 per year, and students may choose from five different music programs, including jazz studies, to obtain their graduate or undergraduate degree at this state-funded college.
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. This public university is nestled in the mountains and offers five music programs. The charming small town atmosphere offers students a peaceful setting to pursue their studies. Tuition is reasonable, at $18,000 per year, and enrollees can choose Fine and Studio Art Management as well as Music therapy for their undergraduate or graduate degrees.
Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC. This not-for-profit university is a Baptist college offering bachelor degrees in six different music programs. Tuition is $28,000 per year, but the campus has one of the best safety ratings in the United States. Other best music schools honors include the top ranking for piano and organ programs in North Carolina.
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. With a total of 23 different music programs for bachelors, master’s, and doctoral degree studies, this large public university offers music students a variety of options. Ranked number one in the state for best music schools in conducting, pedagogy, music management and merchandising, opera, and music theory, the $28,000 tuition is expensive but worth it.
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH. Offering undergraduate and master’s degrees in a variety of music programs, this private liberal arts school is recognized as the first American, higher learning institution to regularly admit African-American and female students. Their Conservatory of Music is the oldest, continuously operating conservatory in the nation, but tuition for this highly selective school will cost lucky students almost $50,000 per year. If you aspire to attend Oberlin, finding multiple scholarship opportunities will be a wise course.
Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland, OH. This independent, international conservatory is wholly dedicated to music majors. Since 1920 it has been operating with that focus, but like Oberlin, it is highly selective, enrolling only approximately 60-70 new students each fall. Tuition is $45,000 per year, but the quality of education provided for music students who are interested in pursuing an orchestral career is exceptional.
Choosing from among the best music schools can be difficult. However, by expanding your options and enlarging your selection group, you can discover the perfect school that will meet your particular education, financial, and location requirements.